RUSH APPRAISALS Let us know how fast you need the report.
Help us go even faster by doing the following: Order appraisals online. You will get an immediate email confirming our receipt of the the order, and company owner & Sacramento appraiser Scott Burton gets both an email and a text message immediately with each online order. Provide complete property & borrower information. Accurate information helps us identify the property quickly. Make sure your contact information/email address is correct & clear. Cell phone numbers are the easiest way to contact the occupant/access person. Any known unique features?: Please describe at the time of order. We will find out on our own anyway, but knowing about them early allows your report to be completed more rapidly.
The appraiser will:
Does my home have to be perfectly clean? No! Of course, the cleaner & less cluttered the property, the better the photographs will present to the users of the appraisal. However, we are used to looking past any deferred cleaning and personal possessions. We are only looking at the materials & condition of the home, imagining that the home is completely empty of personal possessions. ***Please be sure all dogs are secured, we will need to see the garage, side & rear yards too***